Installations and Maintenance (LV) Workshop
The practical resources available in this workshop have been selected to enable the training of electrical installations technicians who will work on domestic and light industrial installations.
All the practical work is carried out using special training bays that can be configured to cover different areas of electrical installations.
All necessary tools and test equipment are available in this section. Both eLearning and paper-based instructional materials are available to support the instructor and the trainee.
Electrical Installations Training Kits:
Electrical distribution systems and equipment must be correctly installed and maintained in accordance with accepted electrical engineering standards and practices, as stipulated in the publications of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC).
In addition to the practical equipment, including the TSI Electrical Installations Training Kits, we also provide a comprehensive range of paper-based and eLearning training materials.
These are intended for use by both the Instructor and the trainees, they provide underpinning knowledge and practical assignments.
Work covered includes:
- Statutory regulations and codes of practice
- Safe systems of working
- Using technical information
- Tools and equipment
- Over current and short circuit protection
- Single phase domestic lighting circuits
- Single phase domestic power socket installations and appliances
- Single phase and three phase Light industrial electrical installations - lighting and power
- Single phase and three phase AC motor installations and motor control
- Conduit installations
- Surface installations